Will Ethereum Ever Pass Bitcoin? The Pros And Cons

Key Takeaway:

  • Bitcoin’s popularity and trustworthiness give it an advantage over Ethereum in terms of mass adoption and stability in the market.
  • Ethereum’s programmable blockchain and ability to trade non-fungible tokens make it versatile and attractive to developers and investors.
  • While Ethereum’s upgrades, including the proof of stake system and faster transaction speeds, could give it an edge over Bitcoin, the uncertainty surrounding future upgrades and the volatility of Ether’s value are risks to consider.


Inquiry into Ethereum’s Future Dominance over Bitcoin

Ethereum has emerged as a promising blockchain technology due to its ability to offer decentralized finance, smart contracts, and decentralized applications. The possibility of Ethereum surpassing Bitcoin’s position in the cryptocurrency market is evaluated in this article.

Ethereum has grown rapidly in popularity, sophistication, and use cases, but it still has some hurdles to overcome before it can dethrone Bitcoin as the world’s foremost cryptocurrency. Ethereum’s speed of transactions, fueled by its versatile programming language, has given it a significant advantage over Bitcoin’s comparatively slower and less flexible scripting language. However, Ethereum’s scalability obstacles, notably its gas fees, remain a significant issue in terms of mass adoption.

Thus, the future dominance of Ethereum over Bitcoin remains an open question, with both optimistic and skeptical views. Despite this, one potential path to greater adoption is through Ethereum 2.0, which implements Proof of Stake consensus. This consensus mechanism reduces the network’s energy consumption, allowing for more transactions at a lower cost. This, in turn, increases the network’s transaction speed, reduces gas fees, and makes it easier for new users to participate.

Understanding Bitcoin and Ethereum

Bitcoin and Ethereum are the two most popular cryptocurrencies that dominate the market. They both have unique features that distinguish them from each other. Understanding the subtle nuances between Bitcoin and Ethereum can help you make informed investment decisions. One key difference is that Bitcoin is primarily a digital currency, while Ethereum is a platform for decentralized applications. Ethereum’s smart contract capability enables developers to create and execute programs, providing more flexibility than Bitcoin’s limited scripting. Additionally, Ethereum has a faster transaction processing time and is more energy-efficient than Bitcoin.

It is important to note that both Bitcoin and Ethereum are subject to market volatility, and their values can fluctuate drastically. In early 2021, the value of both cryptocurrencies reached new heights, with Bitcoin reaching nearly $65,000 and Ethereum surpassing $4,000 for the first time. However, this was followed by a market crash that saw their values plummet. This highlights the unpredictable nature of the cryptocurrency market, and investors should exercise caution when investing.

A prominent example of the volatility of cryptocurrency markets is Ethereum’s flash crash in 2017. Due to a multimillion-dollar sell order, the value of Ethereum dropped from $319 to 10 cents in a matter of seconds. Although the price quickly rebounded, this event serves as a reminder of the inherent risks associated with investing in cryptocurrencies.

The Pros of Bitcoin

The Benefits of Bitcoin

Bitcoin has many advantages that make it a popular cryptocurrency.

  • Decentralization: Bitcoin is a decentralized currency, meaning it doesn’t have a central authority. This reduces the risk of corruption, manipulation, and censorship, making it more trustworthy.
  • Security: Bitcoin uses advanced encryption algorithms to secure transactions, and transactions can’t be reversed once confirmed. This makes it nearly impossible to counterfeit or hack, enhancing the security of users’ funds.
  • Global Acceptance: Bitcoin is the world’s most widely used cryptocurrency, with a vast and growing number of merchants accepting it as payment. This means users can use bitcoin to buy goods and services around the world.

Bitcoin also has a limited supply, which makes it a valuable investment. Its value has increased significantly over the years, and investors believe that it will continue to grow in value. However, as with any investment, it’s essential to do your research before investing.

To make the most of bitcoin, investors should consider diversifying their portfolio and regularly monitoring their investments to make informed decisions.

The Pros of Ethereum

Innovative Advantages of Ethereum

Ethereum has distinct advantages that are shaping its potential viability in overtaking Bitcoin. Here are five innovative benefits of Ethereum that pave its way in dethroning Bitcoin:

  1. Smart Contract Technology: Smart contracts offer advanced programmability features, including automation of complex agreements and autonomous execution, which further allows developers to build decentralized applications.
  2. Flexibility: Ethereum is more versatile with a more flexible approach in terms of its Blockchain technology than Bitcoin, allowing for more diversified applications.
  3. Transaction Speed: Ethereum’s transactions are faster than Bitcoins. Ethereum can process over 15 transactions per second while Bitcoin’s maximum rate is around 7 transactions per second, making it more efficient.
  4. Cost-Effective: Ethereum’s transaction fees are much less than Bitcoin, maintaining a low-cost benefit that benefits users in lesser transaction fees.
  5. Community: Ethereum has an active community contributing to its development, maintenance, and adoption, setting a strong foundation for its future.

Ethereum’s unique benefits make it a strong contender against Bitcoin, opening doors for more innovative and creative Blockchain applications. According to CoinCodex, Ethereum’s market cap is already half of Bitcoin’s, and it has surpassed Bitcoin’s daily transaction fees multiple times.

Ethereum 2.0 Upgrades

Ethereum’s Next Upgrade: UPGRADING BEYOND ETH 2.0

Ethereum 2.0 upgrades are set to revolutionize the blockchain space. With the introduction of sharding and proof-of-stake consensus, Ethereum is moving towards a more scalable and sustainable future. The upgrade aims to increase the network’s transaction throughput significantly and reduce energy consumption.

How ETH 2.0 Upgrades Will Work

Ethereum 2.0 upgrades consist of several phases that will be rolled out gradually. The first phase, known as the Beacon Chain, went live in December 2020, and the subsequent phases will follow. The upgrade aims to address Ethereum’s scalability issues by allowing multiple chains to process transactions simultaneously.

What Makes ETH 2.0 Upgrades Unique

One unique aspect of Ethereum 2.0 upgrades is the introduction of a validator system, which allows validators to participate in network consensus by staking their ETH. Validators will be rewarded for their participation in the consensus, and network security will be ensured through staking. This system promotes decentralization and reduces the risk of centralization.

A Brief History of ETH 2.0 Upgrades

Ethereum 2.0 upgrades have been in development for several years, with the first whisperings of the project starting in 2015. In 2018, the Ethereum Foundation began actively working on Ethereum 2.0, with the first public testnet going live in April 2019. After several more testnets, Ethereum 2.0 phase 0 (the Beacon Chain) was launched in December 2020. The subsequent phases are expected to roll out in the coming years.

Will Ethereum Overtake Bitcoin?

In the world of cryptocurrencies, the competition between Ethereum and Bitcoin is a hot topic. Can Ethereum surpass Bitcoin in terms of popularity and usage? Ethereum has its unique features, but it is difficult to predict whether it will overtake Bitcoin or not. Ethereum has a more advanced technology that allows developers to create their decentralized applications, but Bitcoin has a solid reputation and a strong market base. Both cryptocurrencies have their advantages and disadvantages, and it’s up to the consumers to decide which one to choose.

While Ethereum’s smart contract technology has given it an edge over Bitcoin, Bitcoin still holds the title of the first and most famous cryptocurrency. Ethereum’s ability to allow developers to create their decentralized applications has resulted in its increasing popularity. Its decentralization feature and cost-effectiveness have made it an attractive option.

However, Bitcoin’s strong market base and liquidity make it a global asset and a hedge against financial crises. Its reputation and reliability have earned it the trust of investors worldwide. So, the question, “Will Ethereum overtake Bitcoin?” remains unanswered. Consumers need to assess the pros and cons of each cryptocurrency and choose the one that best suits their needs.

It is essential to note that the world of cryptocurrencies is volatile, and the value of both Ethereum and Bitcoin fluctuates constantly. Therefore, the decision to invest in either cryptocurrency should be made after careful consideration and research.

In a similar tone, a user reported that Ethereum was once hacked, and 3.6 million Ethereum tokens were stolen. Similarly, hackers also stole 850,000 Bitcoin from the Mt. Gox exchange. Thus, both Ethereum and Bitcoin have their risks, and investors should be cautious before making any investments.

Cons of Bitcoin

Bitcoin Limitations: Breaking Down the Drawbacks

Bitcoin, like any other technology, has its limitations and downsides. Here, we will delve into the cons of Bitcoin and highlight some crucial points to consider before investing.

  • Volatility: Bitcoin is infamous for its price fluctuations and volatility, making it unreliable as a store of value.
  • Scalability: The current Bitcoin network can only process seven transactions per second, significantly slower than traditional payment systems.
  • Anonymity: Transactions are recorded on a public ledger, allowing people to see the transactions without knowing who the user is, potentially undermining privacy.
  • Energy consumption: Bitcoin mining uses a lot of electricity, contributing to environmental concerns and increasing mining costs.

It’s worth noting that these issues may not necessarily make Bitcoin a bad investment, but investors should weigh up the risks and understand the potential downsides before investing.

One under-discussed drawback of Bitcoin is the potential for regulation. Governments around the world are actively discussing and exploring the regulation of Bitcoin. Investors who ignore this possibility risk losing out if regulation results in a significant decrease in the value of their investment.

Cons of Ethereum

Although Ethereum has many benefits, there are also drawbacks that must be considered. Below are six potential cons of Ethereum.

  1. Lack of scalability: Ethereum’s current infrastructure has limited scalability which can lead to network congestion and slow transaction times.
  2. Vulnerability to cyber attacks: Smart contracts on Ethereum are open-source and publicly available, making them vulnerable to security breaches and hacking attacks.
  3. High gas fees: Ethereum’s gas fees can be prohibitively expensive for smaller transactions, leading to reduced accessibility for some users.
  4. Centralization concerns: Ethereum’s mining process is becoming increasingly centralized, with a small number of mining pools controlling a significant portion of the network’s hash power.
  5. Governance issues: Ethereum’s decentralized structure can lead to difficulties in making decisions and implementing changes, resulting in potential governance issues.
  6. Environmental impact: Ethereum’s consensus algorithm (proof of work) is energy-intensive and has a significant environmental impact.

It is also important to note that Ethereum’s development is still ongoing, and as such, these cons may be addressed in the future.

In addition to the above points, it should be noted that some dApps built on Ethereum may require high levels of technical expertise to use, potentially leading to reduced accessibility for certain user groups.

One notable example of the potential drawbacks of Ethereum occurred in 2016 when a vulnerability in a smart contract on the network led to the loss of approximately $60 million worth of Ether. While this incident was the result of human error rather than a fundamental flaw in the Ethereum network, it highlights the need for caution and thorough testing when deploying smart contracts on the platform.

Conclusion: The Future of Bitcoin and Ethereum.

The Future of Bitcoin and Ethereum: A Comparative Analysis

Bitcoin and Ethereum are two major players in the cryptocurrency market and have experienced significant growth in recent years. While bitcoin remains the most valuable and well-known cryptocurrency, Ethereum has gained popularity due to its smart contract capabilities. However, the future of these digital currencies is uncertain, as both face challenges such as scalability, security, and regulatory issues.

The development of new technologies and improvements in infrastructure could lead to further growth and adoption of both bitcoin and Ethereum. However, they also face competition from other cryptocurrencies and alternative payment methods. Investors and traders should carefully consider the pros and cons of each cryptocurrency before making investment decisions.

It is important to note that the question of whether Ethereum will ever pass bitcoin in terms of value and market share remains unanswered. Both digital currencies have unique strengths and weaknesses, and it is difficult to predict their long-term performance.

In light of these uncertainties, it is crucial for investors to stay informed about the latest developments in the cryptocurrency market and to exercise caution when investing in these volatile assets. Ultimately, the decision to invest in Bitcoin or Ethereum should be based on one’s individual financial goals, risk tolerance, and research.

Whatever the future holds for Bitcoin and Ethereum, at least we know they won’t be as empty as my bank account after investing in them.


Five Facts About Ethereum vs Bitcoin:

  • ✅ Ethereum is bitcoin’s biggest competitor, and their native cryptocurrency, Ether, is second biggest and most popular cryptocurrency on the current market. (Source: Team Research)
  • ✅ Ethereum is the first programmable blockchain, which means, people with the know-how, can program their own blockchain within the Ethereum blockchain, and use it to trade all kinds of digital assets, including ether, non-fungible tokens, and yes, even Bitcoin. (Source: Team Research)
  • ✅ The upgrades implemented in Ethereum 2.0 include a proof of stake, and an increase in transaction through the process of sharding, making it a more efficient and cost-effective option for traders. (Source: Team Research)
  • ✅ The current aggregate worth of Ether, the native cryptocurrency of Ethereum, has reached 500 billion U.S. dollars, just shy of the aggregate price of bitcoin. (Source: Team Research)
  • ✅ Many experts in finance and cryptocurrency believe that ether will overtake bitcoin in the coming years, due to the benefits of programmable blockchain and the ability to trade non-fungible tokens. (Source: Team Research)

FAQs about Will Ethereum Ever Pass Bitcoin? Pros And Cons

Will Ethereum overtake Bitcoin as the most popular cryptocurrency?

Many experts in the finance and cryptocurrency industry believe that Ethereum will overtake Bitcoin in the near future, especially with the recent implementation of upgrades in Ethereum 2.0. These upgrades, such as the proof of stake system and faster transactions, have led to a significant rise in the popularity of Ethereum and its native cryptocurrency, Ether. Additionally, Ethereum’s programmable blockchain and ability to trade non-fungible tokens (NFTs) make it an attractive choice for many traders.

What is the difference between Ethereum and Bitcoin?

Ethereum and Bitcoin are both popular cryptocurrencies, but they have different features and uses. While Bitcoin is primarily used for transactions and as a store of value, Ethereum’s programmable blockchain allows for the trading of digital assets beyond just its native cryptocurrency, Ether. Additionally, Ethereum allows for the selling and purchasing of non-fungible tokens, which Bitcoin does not currently support.

Who created Bitcoin and why is the creator anonymous?

The creator of Bitcoin is an anonymous individual or group who goes by the pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto. The reason for their anonymity is not clear, but it is speculated that it may be to avoid legal or political repercussions for creating a new form of decentralized currency.

What are the benefits of cryptocurrencies?

Cryptocurrencies offer several benefits, including the ability for anyone to purchase, sell, and trade them without the need for intermediaries like banks or governments. Additionally, cryptocurrencies can provide a means for individuals to make enough profit to start their own business, and the decentralized nature of cryptocurrencies means they are not subject to the constraints of central bank authorities.

How many cryptocurrencies are on the market?

Currently, it is believed that there are hundreds of cryptocurrencies on the market. While many of these may have lower market capitalization and limited usage, the most popular and trusted cryptocurrencies rise to the top, such as Bitcoin and Ethereum.

What is a non-fungible token (NFT) and how is Ethereum involved?

A non-fungible token is a digital asset that represents a unique item or piece of content, such as an image or a video. NFTs can be traded like other cryptocurrencies, and Ethereum is one of the few blockchains that allow for the selling and purchasing of NFTs. This has made Ethereum an attractive choice for investors and traders interested in digital content and art.

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Written by: John Pawlak

Cryptocurrency expert, content marketing at Netcoins.